seeking jurors for Country Fair 2025

Greetings Potential Craft Jurors!

Once again we’re planning the Oregon Country Fair craft jurying, and we hope someone there might like to join us!

This will be our second year of doing the jurying digitally and asking jurors to do the evaluations at home (as the world goes, so go we).  We won’t have the whole day all together, as we used to do (6 hours of looking at images!).

We look for jurors who know arts and crafts, and have a good critical eye.  We also hope jurors will have some sense of what the Country Fair is all about, and help us to invite high-quality work that fits our venue.  We also maintain a certain integrity in the process by having jurors who are not directly associated with the Fair.

Craft applicants send three images of their craft.  Our process involves 6 jurors rating each set of 3 images on a 1-to-10 scale.  After jurying, we tally scores and re-connect scores with names (and then begins the hard part for us—seeing how far down the line we can go in acceptances, which depends on available space each year).  An applicant might apply with multiple crafts, but each category will have its own three images, and jurors rate each set separately; you don’t evaluate the crafter, but each craft.

We’re planning a gathering of all six jurors on the morning of March 29 at the OCF office on Lawrence St. for an introduction to the process; this could be two hours at most, I think. Then jurors can log into the program that has all the applications and do the evaluations on their own, over the next 8 days—on their computers.  Once we receive scores from all the jurors, we can take it from there.

If anyone there would like to be one of our jurors this year, please let me know by email response ( ) or by phone at 687-1023 (h).   We totally appreciate the contributions jurors make, and we offer two day passes and a commemorative t-shirt to show our thanks.

So long—

Jeff Harrison

OCF Craft Inventory

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