K14 Campus Flats Art Gallery Opportunity

Hi Art + Design School Students,
My name is Julia Povich, and I manage K14 Campus Flats, a 145-bedspace student housing property located right across the street from the University of Oregon Library. Our address is 1414 Kincaid St. I started here a little over a year ago and was recently informed that years ago we worked with students from the College of Design school to display their artwork in our lobby.
We currently have a large white wall that is walked past daily by residents and is a stop on all of our prospect housing tours. It could use some love! I’m interested in transitioning that wall into a revolving student artwork display.
If you’re at all interested in having your artwork displayed in our lobby, please feel free to reach out to k14manager@affinityproperty.com or call 541-246-1229. If you’d like to stop by to see the space we’d love to have you!
Happy to answer any questions or provide more information on our space. Look forward to working with you!

Julia Povich

K14 Campus Flats

Property Manager

1414 Kincaid Street | Eugene, OR 97401

P: 541-246-1229


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