21st Annual Jewelry Sale!


The 21st ANNUAL Jewelry Sale will be held in the lobby of Lawrence Hall from 9am-4pm on this Thursday, November 3rd. Students of the Jewelry & Metalsmithing program in the Department of Art will present jewelry that is inventive, thoughtful and unique. Each student is responsible for the design and fabrication of at least 12 pieces of jewelry including rings, pendants, brooches, earrings, etc. Students each create a body of jewelry that use traditional and nontraditional materials that range from silver to plastic. All pieces will be sold for under $35 in order to raise funding for guest lectures and studio equipment. The sale has enjoyed immense success in past years. Be sure to mark your calendar!

For further information, please contact – Anya Kivarkis, Area Head | Jewelry & Metalsmithing, 541.346-1571

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