Invitation to Crystals of Transformation film screening at the NW Screendance Expo at U of O

Crystals of Transformation, will be screening as part of the NW Screendance Exposition, sponsored by U of O’s Department of Music Dance on Friday, October 13.
I would like to invite you and your colleagues at the U of O art department to my film screening, here’s the link to purchase tickets:

Crystals of Transformation is an environmental art film inspired by water researcher, Masaru Emoto’s discovery of the influence of energy on water’s molecular structure.

I created a sculptural and elaborate costume inspired by Dr. Emoto’s photographs of water crystals,
and collaborated with an award winning dancer to translate the sculpture into movement.
Crystals of Transformation also highlights the art of theatrical costuming and is one of the few films in the world to feature a costume made with sustainable materials and techniques.

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