NowNet Arts Conference 2019: Invitation


I am the director the NowNet Arts Conference “Social Purpose in Contemporary Network Arts” November 7-10, 2019. This is the 2nd annual event for artists, technologists, researchers, educators, and industry professionals advancing topics in contemporary network arts for the ongoing development of the field. Network arts utilizes the Internet and related technologies as an artistic medium for works created for this platform.
 Here is the link to our conference website and registration:

Additionally, our NowNet Arts Lab Ensemble is still open for contemporary artists and technologists to join if you have interest to try out work samples and tech trials the medium. I can send a separate sign up form for this group. The private sessions are November 5 and 6, with optional demonstration at the conference November 7-10, 2019.
As listed on the website we are launching the new peer-reviewed open access “Journal of Network Music and Arts” at the conference this year, published by Stony Brook University.
The full program from our 2018 conference of 30 locations is available at this link, for reference and further information.

Please let me know if you are interested and if you have any questions.
With best wishes,
Sarah Weaver
NowNet Arts Conference Director
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