Writing opportunity for your students

 I am involved in a project named The Artifice which is an online magazine that covers a wide spectrum of art forms, including Film, Anime, Comics, Literature, Games, and Arts. It is collaboratively built and maintained by the writers. The platform has an established audience of millions. See: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://the-artifice.com__;!5W9E9PnL_ac!QcUfZ7F122UCpm_NxnHcUxiRPcS-sNA0S0L-rpHs00gZUe2YrHSyGlcIuq_-JVvv9w$
    Instead of recycling the same entertainment news stories or publishing commonplace editorials, The Artifice focus on unique topics that are intellectually stimulating and meaningful.
    We are currently expanding and we would like to provide an opportunity for your students and faculty to join our team of writers.
    Our writers range from undergraduates to emeritus professors.
    If this is something of interest, please follow this link: https://the-artifice.com/write/.
    Kind regards,

This message is being posted because it may be of interest to University of Oregon art students.  Due to the volume of postings received, neither the UO nor the Art Department are able to investigate the legitimacy or validity of any organization or person that posts a message on this site. We make no representations or guarantees about any positions listed and are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment or an internship. It is the responsibility of each individual job and internship seeker to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which they are applying and to verify the specific information pertaining to the job or internship posting. Job and internship seekers should exercise due diligence and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position. Any questions or comments about the message should be directed to the originator of the message and not to the Department of Art.

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