Funding Opportunity – RAINMaker Grants

Attention University of Oregon Innovators –

In the spirit of entrepreneur and alumni, Paul Anthony Troiano , we are pleased to announce the applications for the annual RAINMaker grants.

Awards of $5,000 are available to student entrepreneurs seeking to advance their ideas with prototype and/or technology development, organizational expenses such as legal and other support services, and other resources that can move an idea closer to launch.

For 2022, there are five awards of $5,000 available.

Please note the following parameters of this funding opportunity:

  • The grant is open to all student founders (undergraduates and graduate students).
  • At least one current or graduating student must be actively engaged with the venture.
  • The student founder(s) must have a majority equity stake in the company to be considered for this grant.
  • Eligible applicants must be beyond the initial ‘idea-stage’ and have some demonstrated traction that is leading to the development of an actual business or nonprofit organization

What you need to apply:

  • 1-2 page executive summary or slide deck (5 slides max) that communicates your venture’s value proposition, business model, how you have tested your venture hypothesis, and what traction you’ve made to date.
  • A 1 page statement of how you would use the $5,000 grant to advance your venture.

Click Here to Apply

For questions about the program, eligibility of a venture, or other inquiries, contact –  


O: 541.346.3349 M: 541.868.4947

Interim Director | Lundquist Center for Entrepreneurship

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