Looking for water color painter for video project

We’re seeking a watercolor painting student to film as they perform techniques and painting styles of their choice, talking out loud about what they’re doing and why they’re doing it that way.
Form this we will create 6 separate videos that are 5-10 minutes long, although we’re not strict with that time in the interest of not constraining the artist from doing what they want to teach the audience that will be viewing these sufficiently.
We will upload these videos to our client’s website where users will be able to watch them for inspiration and educational purposes in a library of other videos created by other artist-teachers.
The student may only be required for 1 day of six hours of shooting, but it may require a total of 2 six-hour days. We can coordinate on the filming date but would like to film within the next 2-4 weeks at most.
We have some rates in mind of what is reasonable to pay for this work, but we are inviting students to state an hourly rate they would be happy with and to include it when applying.
To apply:

  • Please include 3 professional references from previous employers that you do not have a familial or friend relationship with that will vouch for your reliability to show up, and show up on time.
  • Please state your preferred hourly rate.
  • Please include 3-5 pictures of your favorite artwork, with a note about what you think you succeeded in with them.
logo Spencer Hill
Principal • The Portland Company
mobile: (503) 610-8759 • office: (503) 567-9561

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