Part-time internship opportunity in an art gallery

We are looking for student interested in a part-time internship experience in an art gallery.

Opportunities in the following areas are available:

  • Learn exhibit design, install and deinstallation, as well as the whole experience of creating labels and presenting an exhibit.
  • Experience working with artists and curating exhibits.
  • Relating to the public, communicating about art, and the art of selling art.
  • Hosting receptions and gallery events.
  • Soome experience in framing and packing art.
  • Writing press releases and marketing on social medial and other platforms.
  • Gaining resume building experience and building community connections.

Student Interns would be fully supervised and trained but no wage can be offered (although I have hired interns in the past after a few months).

If this is a fit for anyone please reach out to me. It doesn’t have to be fall term, but just somehting to keep in mind.

Thanks and happy fall!

Karin Clarke

Karin Clarke Gallery 541-684-7963

Karin Clarke at the Gordon 541-232-4383

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