Open Call for International Exhibition

CAC Info

My name is Shareen Brimo. I work for Culturally Arts Collective, an online exhibition and virtual gallery non-profit. Right now we have an open call for our upcoming exhibition, Anti-Art. I’m hoping that you’d be interested in sharing this with your students. Open calls like these are a great way for new artists to get their foot in the door, gain some experience and be a part of an innovative exhibition. Culturally Arts Collective has worked with over 3,500 artists across 100 countries and this exhibition gives artists the opportunity to have a global reach for their work.

This message is being posted because it may be of interest to University of Oregon art and design students.  Due to the volume of postings received, neither the UO nor the School of Art + Design are able to investigate the legitimacy or validity of any organization or person that posts a message on this site. We make no representations or guarantees about any positions listed and are not responsible for safety, wages, working conditions, or other aspects of employment or an internship. It is the responsibility of each individual job and internship seeker to research the integrity of the organization(s) to which they are applying and to verify the specific information pertaining to the job or internship posting. Job and internship seekers should exercise due diligence and use common sense and caution when applying for or accepting any position. Any questions or comments about the message should be directed to the originator of the message and not to the School of Art + Design.

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