Participant need for Cognitive Dynamic Lab

2017-06-05 CR Approval 10272010.016 (fp)-25gl5sv

To whom it may concern,

Dr. Ulrich Mayr’s lab (Cognitive Dynamic Lab) within the UO Department of Psychology is looking to recruit subjects for a paid EEG study. I was wondering if you would be able to send the following information to your department’s undergraduate listservs (in quotes):

“This study will involve one 2-3 hr session during which we will record your brain waves (EEG) while you perform a computer task. You may also be asked to complete questionnaires designed to assess your beliefs, knowledge, or abilities using paper and pencil. You will be paid $10 an hour for your participation. To be eligible, you will need to be between 18-30 years of age and have no history of neurological disorders. In addition, you must have normal or corrected-to normal vision in order to participate. Finally, we cannot perform EEG on participants with open head wounds, dreadlocks, cornrows, or braids that cannot be removed due to recording restraints. If you are interested in participating, go to: and request an account to sign up.”

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